Friday, May 14, 2010

The Ultimate Fertility Package

It's no secret, I LOVE blogs, y'all!

I love connecting with other woman who are going through the same things I am. It helps me feel not alone.

Right now I am trying to find where I fit in. Since I am not actively going through treatments, nor do I have a newborn =( I sort of feel -lost-.

In the meantime! as I find where I belong, I've found some great blogs that I adore! Some of the bigger blogs do give aways...mostly geared towards pregnant women, or those with small children, and every so often you find one that helps those who are still TTC!

I found a new blog last night on accident, and I love it! She's doing a give away that's awesome for women who are TTC! She has all sorts of goodies all bundled up. So, if you're ttc, I suggest taking a peek at her Fertility Glitz give away and enter for a chance to win!

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