Friday, June 11, 2010

Beta #2

I left the house this morning at 7am so I could be the 1st one at the lab =)

I waited till 11am before I gave in and just called the OB to find out if they had the new numbers. The nurse read my 1st beta again, which wasn't 94, it was 84! She wasn't sure if I heard it wrong on Wednesday, or if the older gal saw the 8 as a 9. Either way, it was an okay number.

14 dpo, at 11:30am my beta was 84!
and today
16dpo, at 8am my beta was 228!

I go in for my last beta on Sunday, and will find out the results on Monday, and if all is good, we will be settng up an ultrasound!


  1. Congrats lady! Congrats. Awesome, amazing news.

  2. Congrats! That is just so wonderful!

  3. Yay! What great numbers! Congrats!

  4. Wow, that more than doubled! Yippee!!!!!

  5. Congratulations, I am so happy for you!!! Way to go, sorry that the nurse made you upset, but YAY for betas!

  6. Looking and sounding good. Can't wait to hear how your u/s goes...
