Friday, April 15, 2011

Toy Land

If you read my last post you'd know we're into week 3 of crazy.  After week 2, I went crazy and loaded up on toys!  I ordered him toys for now and later, and yet, he LOVES them all now!

Here's what he got:

A sports car walker that's a 3 in 1

Fisher Price Rain Forest Jumperoo

Fisher Price Rain Forest Activity Mat

ABC'S 1 2 3  foam mat

Cage style baby gate to around the new toys

and a cool bookshelf!  It looks like the ones you see in Kindergarten.  Once my husband builds it, I'll post a picture.

Oh and I got a Moby Wrap.  Either I'm to fat or... he's chubby.  It feels awkward now.

and picture overload time!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much Issac is growing. Glad he's loving all his new toys. I also wanted you to know that... I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Awards! You can pick up your prize badge at my blog; then keep the nomination train rolling by honoring those blogs that touch your heart!
